Time-Management Hacks Every College Student Should Use

College is one of the busiest times in your life – between going to classes, completing assignments, interning, working part-time, visiting with family and friends, and social commitments, you’ll be running everywhere you go! Whether we’ve already helped you get into college or you’re starting your first semester in the Fall, here are six helpful time-management tips every college student should know according to College News:

1. Use the Priority Matrix: It’s very difficult to complete too many tasks with too little time. Categorize your obligations into a matrix to make sure you get everything you need to get done, done! This will help you get your priorities straight. Here’s a helpful matrix:

  • Important and urgent
  • Important but not urgent
  • Not important but urgent
  • Not important and not urgent

2. Avoid procrastination: This may seem obvious, but can happen easily, especially with a full college plate. Avoid procrastination by breaking up your to-do list into smaller actionable items. Check off one item before moving onto the next!

3. Join a study group: Studying in a group will help you stay focused and on track with your study schedule. You’ll be more likely to go study when a group is waiting on you, rather than getting yourself to go to the library.

4. Use technology: This may come as a surprise – you’ve been told in school to put away your phones and pay attention. However, there are numerous apps that help college students with time management:

  • To-do list apps: Listastic, 2Do and EpicWin
  • Productivity apps: Evernote
  • Motivational apps: RescueTime, AutoSMS and stickK.com
  • Collaboration apps: Online calendars

5. Learn to say no: Although saying “yes” is beneficial, saying “no” on occasion will help manage your time. Saying “yes” too often will make your schedule that much busier and force to you to only give minimal effort on some projects instead of all of your effort.

6. Get rid of clutter: Clutter causes unnecessary stress, time wasted on looking for certain items, and a lack of organization. Make better use of your time and get organized.


Get into the habit of using these helpful time-management hacks and you’ll coast through college! To learn more about how you can better prepare for college, attend one of our FREE workshops! https://collegeplanningexperts.com/free-workshops

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