Grades, Test Scores and Extracurriculars, Oh My

Grades and test scores are huge factors that help get you into college, but schools also want to see what you choose to do with your free time. College admissions counselors have a goal of creating a diverse incoming class, so they’ll look at your extracurriculars to get a sense of the person you are. With that said, here’s what you need to know about extracurricular activities from The Princeton Review.

1. How much you do isn’t as important as being committed to what you’re doing – the simple rule of quality over quantity. Stick with your passions for your entire four years of high school. This will show your future college your commitment and determination. Find a few clubs and/ or teams that interest you during your freshman year and stick with them!

2. Demonstrate leadership – always seek out the next opportunity. Becoming the captain of your sports team, president of your club or editor-in-chief of your school newspaper shows that you know how to lead a team, and therefore earn respect from your peers.

3. An after-school job ensures maturity. Don’t necessarily discount an after-school job as an extracurricular activity. If you have an after-school job to help your family make ends meet, make sure your prospective college knows this through your application! This demonstrates just as much personal character as being the captain of your swim team. Just like with a club or team, strive to become a leader within your organization.

4. Extracurricular activities can be valuable experiences. If you have a particular career path and/ or college major in mind, seek to find volunteer or internship opportunities in that field while you’re in high school. You can never start getting experience too early.

There’s a lot of material and mental focus that goes into applying to colleges. Avoid getting overwhelmed – schedule a meeting with College Planning Experts today. We not only help you with your college apps, but help you master your high school classes to get into your dream school.

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