Your college applications say a lot about you – how well you do in school, your test scores, your hobbies and passions, and your personal statements. However, colleges also want to learn more about you from someone that isn’t you. According to The Princeton Review, colleges typically ask for letters of recommendation from at least two high school teachers, but some allow you to include additional letters from coaches, counselors, etc. Make sure you know everything you need to about your letters of recommendation: when to ask, who to ask, and what exactly to ask for.
1. Start Early: Just like most parts of the college application process, it is important to plan ahead. Start building relationships with your teachers as early as your freshman year of high school – make great first impressions, stay after class, and ask for help on your assignments. College Planning Experts suggests asking your teachers for letters of recommendation by the end of your junior year of high school. Most other students ask their teachers during their senior year – by asking early, you’re at the top of the teacher’s letter list!
2. Consider Your Potential Recommenders Carefully: Don’t necessarily choose a teacher to write you a letter of rec just because you earned an A in their class. Make sure you share a connection with this teacher – they should be just as excited writing a letter of recommendation about you as you are to attend the school they’re writing to!
3. Give Your Teachers Details and Deadlines: There are numerous materials to provide to your teacher to ensure they write an outstanding letter of recommendation. Above all else, make sure you give your teacher enough notice to actually write the letter. You should provide a list of your extracurricular activities, the latest draft of your college essay, a high school resume, and other details about yourself you’d like included in your letter. Also, there may be a form you need to fill out for your college prior to submitting the letter, an online application system you need to inform your teacher of, or you may need to provide an envelope and stamp to your teacher to send.
Make sure to schedule a one-on-one college planning analysis with one of our Experts to get all the help you need on your college applications!