Although we typically start seeing families in the office when kids are already in high school, Middle School/Junior High Parents take note! Patterns that start in middle school/junior high are good indicators of things to come. Students who have patterns of missing class and that receive D or F marks on report cards are at increased risk for trouble in high school. Middle school is when we see a big disconnect from parents. Many parents feel that middle school is the time to let kids handle things on their own but not so. This is actually the time that most kids need extra support from home. Now is not the time to stop asking about homework or to lose touch with teachers. In fact, it is time to step it up. Teachers are happy to hear from parents and respond quickly in most cases. Stay in touch via email and that teacher will be more apt to let you know if there is a problem. Young teens will not like this and let you know that it is now up to them but do not back off! Help keep them on track and focused so that high school will not be such a big transition. Call our office any time and speak to our student planner and sign up for a FREE College Planning Workshop in your area today!
Studies show that ‘F’ in Middle School does matter!
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