College Applications and Parent Involvement

Hey parents, make sure that your students know that summer is an absolutely crucial time to build on their resumes for college applications!  Colleges will be impressed if your student spends the summer doing something other than just hanging out.  And don’t worry about cost, there are plenty of constructive, fun things to do that are either cheap or free! Here are a few:
• Organize a community service project
• Volunteer at a hospital
• Take a job or internship in a field of interest
• Practice and instrument and perform
• Organize day trips by bike, public transportation or by hiking
• Invent something
• Make a challenging reading list and complete it

Also during the summer,  your kids are probably spending some of their time pursuing their extracurricular activities of choice.  Colleges love to see applicants who are passionate about their extracurriculars.  Students are far more likely to build a college application-ready resume of achievements if they have a little help along the way from their parents.  So be proactive!  Be on the lookout for contests, competitions, jobs, and internships for your student.  An encouraging attitude will help your student accomplish his or her goals.


Need help planning those summer campus visits?  How about helping your kid stay on track to get into a great 4 year college?  Have not thought about what schools you will apply to and you will be a senior in a few short months?  Don't know how you will pay for college?  Come to a FREE College Planning Workshop in  your area today.  Log on to


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