Looking Back, To Help Make 2014 Your Best Year
By: Brian Safdari
This holiday season I thought to myself, “what better gift to give than the gift of knowledge for the New Year?”
I have a special gift just for college-bound students and parents that you can download at the link below:
Click here to download your Special Gift
“A Checklist of Things You Should Be Doing”
This FREE gift is a chapter of my very own eBook College Planning Made Easy. In this chapter I go over the things you should be doing right now if you’re the parent of a college-bound student.
As we wrap up the holidays and bring in the New Year, I want to highlight the most important college planning tips of the year. I narrowed the topics to these best points:
- www.College Planning Experts.com presented over 103 College Planning Workshops in 2013. WOW!
- How students can attend a private university cheaper than a state school
- How families can receive financial aid regardless of your income, assets, or student’s GPA
- How your student can get into the “Best Fit” college, receive a “discount”, and graduate in 4 years
- How to maximize aid and fill out financial aid forms properly in any family situation (married, divorced, single income, etc.)
- How to start planning for the costs of college before your student is in High School
These topics just cover the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dedicated college planning, but my goal is to provide you with the resources you need whether you are starting, finishing, or right in the middle of the college planning process. Over the past 9 years I have had the privilege to help over 2,300 families save over $3.1 Million in financial aid, helping to make students and families’ college dreams a reality!
To all the families that the team and I have worked with: I want to say thank you so much for making this process as rewarding for me as I hope it is for you! If you have not yet attended a College Planning Workshop, it’s never too late! To RSVP use this link: Upcoming College Workshops.
Wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season and best wishes for the New Year!
Warm Regards,
Brian Safdari