Colleges Want to see Community Service

High School Students take note:  Colleges want dedicated students, not those who are just doing community service to get into college.  Explore a range of groups, causes and hobbies.  Select the ones you like and stick with them.  The longer you are with a group, the better.  If there is a group or club you enoy, get more involved.  If you are shy and want to start small, be a project leader; if you are adventurous, run for office!  Either way, you will be displaying your ability to lead and take on more responsibility. 

Don't join every club, don't join any infact.  The easiest thing to do if you are involved in sports, band, ASB, yearbook, etc. is to apply for a leadership role.  many students are too scared to apply for a leadership role as a freshman or sohpomore so go for it!  Write articles for the school paper, take pictures for the yearbook, get out there and be happy!

For more helpful tips and information, visit today and sign up for a free College Planning Workshop in  your area.  Seats are limited so do it today!

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