Title: Santa Clarita Christian WorkshopLocation: For Santa Clarita Christian Parents OnlyStart Time: 19:00Date: 2009-12-01End Time: 20:30
Browsing CategoryCollege Tuition
CSUN Free Workshop
Title: CSUN Free WorkshopLocation: Sierra Hall 390Description: B3 Parking Structure Start Time: 18:45Date: 2009-12-15End Time: 20:15
CSUN Free Workshop
Title: CSUN Free WorkshopLocation: Sierra Hall 390Start Time: 18:30Date: 2009-12-10End Time: 20:00
College Students: Don’t forget Little Brother or Sister!
Right now you're busy with graduation, parties and friends—and soon you'll be packing your things. What an exciting and busy time these months are! But have you noticed your kid brother or sister? As these…
UC cuts freshman enrollment for fall by 6%
The hardest-hit campuses, Irvine and San Diego, will see 12% reductions. Berkeley's class will grow 1.7% and Merced's 17%. Numbers of community college transfers will be allowed to rise. LA Times, January 14, 2009 Saying…